Quinn Dougherty - write me - vid chat
- Casper
- Squiggle
- Nix/NixOS
- Ardana and Orbis
- Common Pool Resources in MARL
- Sandbox Banking
I'm a member of the Casper Association's R&D team working on financial applications of zero knowledge.
Education and certifications
- Triplebyte
- Tensorflow
- Bloom Institute of Technology
- Community College of Philadelphia
Machine learning engineer: top 3% in examination including databases, data structures/algorithms, system architecture, machine learning, and data science.
Scholarship (view Semantic Scholar, view Google Scholar)
- Bevensee, E., Aliapoulios, M., Dougherty, Q., Baumgartner, J., McCoy, D., & Blackburn, J. (2020). SMAT: The Social Media Analysis Toolkit. ICWSM. https://doi.org/10.36190/2020.18
- Wang, P.; Liu, K.; Dougherty, Q. Conceptions of Artificial Intelligence and Singularity. Information 2018, 9, 79
Effective Altruism
- EA Philly
- Talks
- EA Forum
- Alignable Structures
- MA4
I was a grantee at the Center for Enabling Effective Altruist Learning and Research
My sordid past
I ran operations and logistics for film sets, wrote music for films and plays, and organized concerts.